Friday 6 December 2013

Always look on the bright side of life

It is easy to see the worst bits of the economy. We are always being reminded of how expensive petrol is, how energy prices are constantly increasing, how pay rises are not keeping up with house price inflation and now we are being told that we won't be retiring (receiving a state pension) until we are 68 if we are now in our forties!!

But as those lovely chaps from Monty Python once sang: "always look on the bright side of life...*whistle*..."

And if you have registered with iMember at you can be bright and chirpy. There are so many membership benefits out there just waiting to be used by you. It's so easy in this frantic world we live in to forget about these discounts and bonuses which is why all you need to do is register and we will then remind you. Once you have registered all your membership organisations, download the free app and your mobile phone will alert you when you are within a specified radius of one of your benefits.

Don't be gloomy, be with iMember 

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Are chimpanzees people?

Mother and baby chimpanzees at Los Angeles Zoo on 4 September 2013The BBC today reports : "The Nonhuman Rights Project wants a chimp named Tommy to be granted "legal personhood" and thus entitled to the "fundamental right of bodily liberty"."

It must be a slow news day...

So iMember checked on Wikipedia and found that "Chimpanzees split from the human branch of the family about four to six million years ago" - so we're going to stick our necks out and go with "NO - chimpanzees are not people". But let's wait and see what the judgement is from New York.

However Wikipedia goes on to say that "chimpanzees...are capable of spontaneous planning for a future state or event."

So iMember started thinking, actually chimpanzees are pretty bright creatures so they would certainly be cautious with their money, plan how they spent it and want to ensure it worked hard for them and gave them the best returns. So when they renewed their private health care, joined a gym (to keep those chimpanzee waists trim), joined the Ski Club of Great Britain (to ensure they got all the best deals out on the piste), subscribed to The Times and became a Times+ member and moved all their chimpanzee financial affairs to Barclays, they would certainly ensure that they signed up to iMember at and were reminded of all their membership benefits.

As a "person", you can freely do all these things - make sure you're as bright or brighter than a chimpanzee and sign up to iMember today. 

Tuesday 3 December 2013

(Non) random acts of kindness

It's the season of giving and goodwill to all men and iMember loved the Top Tenuous list on the Chris Evans Breakfast Show this morning on Radio 2. It was called Random Acts of Kindness and thousands of people messaged in things they had done for others or had done to them - culminating in one chap who came across an abandoned car on the M6 with a flat tyre so he stopped and changed the wheel and drove on! (Perhaps that one was more bizarre than random...).

iMember is kind to you in a less random way. By registering on our website , we will remind you of all the membership benefits you are entitled to simply by being a member of a particular organisation. It doesn't have to be an organisation such as the AA or Camping and Caravanning Club (although these types of organisation do offer superb member benefits), your newspaper subscription makes you a member of an organisation, your energy suppliers offer membership discounts.

This is a free to use website and there is also a free mobile app to download which will remind you of your membership benefits when you are out and about. 

Reminding you of discounts, two for one offers, bonuses from your membership organisations everyday? And it's all free to you? That's a totally "non-random act of kindness" from iMember. Go and sign up today, remind yourself of all your membership entitlements and enjoy them. How kind we are!