Thursday, 9 January 2014

Don't stop now

According to David Lloyd Gyms most people give up their new year resolutions after 9 days! So if you started with great intentions on New Years Day then today could be a slightly "sticky" day for you. Here at iMember we want to give you all the encouragement we can to carry on with your healthy regime. So today we are here to support all David Lloyd Gym users. 

Of course there are all the brilliant health benefits of using the gym and there's the great social side that membership brings too. But, there are also all the other fantastic benefits that David Lloyd has negotiated for their members. And that's where registering with iMember will help you - David Lloyd have negotiated so many great benefits and discounts for their members that there is no way you can remember them all. Register with iMember at, (it's free to register) enter that you are a member of David Lloyd  and you will be immediately reminded of all your membership benefit entitlements and shown how to claim them.

We have also created a free app for you to download to your mobile phone so if you are out and about, your phone will alert you that you are near a member benefit when you are within a certain radius of one.

So if you're having a bit of a hard time today getting through the 9 day barrier, register with iMember and see what you can treat yourself to as a reward for sticking with it (and then grab your kit bag and get to the gym!).

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Wrap up warm, or not!

We at iMember love a good physical challenge and so we enjoyed the picture in today's Times newspaper and congratulate the anonymous climber who reached the summit of Crib Goch, Snowdonia wearing nothing more than a big grin (we are told!).

For those of you who prefer to wrap up against the elements don't forget to check what discounts you are entitled to with your member organisation benefits at a huge range of hiking and outdoor wear shops such as Cotswold Outdoor, Blacks, Mountain Warehouse, North Face and a whole host of others. 

The Long Distance Walkers Association has arranged a plethora of discounts at shops all over the country, you could join them for as little as £13 pa and then once having registered at you will be able to see, with the click of a mouse, where you can get these discounts. Registering with iMember is free and you can also download our free mobile app so that if you are within a certain radius of one of your member benefit shops, you will be notified.

Become a member of the Ramblers for as little as £22 pa and enjoy a healthy 15% discount at Cotswold Outdoor (amongst many other benefits).

It's all very well thinking you will remember which benefits you are entitled to when you join an organisation but actually remembering is a different matter and that's where iMember will help. Simply by registering with us, we will remind you of all your member organisation benefits. So if naked climbing is your thing - we take off our hats to you...but if you prefer to wrap up warmly make sure you're doing it at the most advantageous rate! - Remember you're a member!

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

What does 2014 have in store?

It's that kind of excited and sad feeling at the same time. Sad because all the partying and over-eating and general over-indulging must definitely stop NOW but then that lovely excited and anticipatory feeling of "what does 2014 have in store for me?"

There is no getting away from the expense of the over-indulgent period of the year that we have enjoyed celebrating at Christmas. However, perhaps it's time to have a think about how to look after those hard earned pennies and do a bit of financial life style studying to see if we are getting the maximum out of our finances.

Sounds a bit like hard work doesn't it? OK let's start with something easy and deal with the hard work another time. To see if you are getting all the benefits and entitlements from your membership organisations simply register at You will be guided through a simple process of listing all the organisations you belong to (you will be amazed how many things are actually classed as "membership organisations" and offer you substantial benefits). Once this is done, you will be told (or reminded) of all the discounts and benefits you are entitled to and had probably completely forgotten about. 

At our last count, the Ski Club of Great Britain  had 335 benefits on offer to it's members. These take the form of holiday discounts, ski guiding offers, ski wear - basically anything to do with skiing! But you can't possibly remember them all so let iMember remind you of them. Come and register with us now and see how much you could be saving. There's also a mobile app you can download which will remind you if you are near any of your member benefits whilst out and about.

So, how much is this registering and app downloading going to cost you? Absolutely nothing! Shall we say that again? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! 

What does 2014 have in store? Loads of exciting things and make sure joining iMember is at the top of your list so you can say straight away that you are starting to get on top of your finances.