Wednesday 9 October 2013

Think outside the box!

When we think of organisations we "belong" to, we might think of gyms and health clubs. Perhaps upon further thought we get to something like roadside recovery - the AA or RAC or Green Flag. Once your thinking has started down those avenues, maybe health insurance might pop into your head. Hmmm, if health insurance counts as an "organisation", what about home insurance - and you get that through your bank perhaps so actually, although you've never thought that you "belong" to your bank's organisation does your bank offer certain benefits that you are just not claiming?

And there are plenty of other organisations that you do belong to but you just don't think of as "membership organisations". "Mumsnet" is a great example. With many, many thousands of members, they have amassed a great number of benefits and discounts for their members. It costs nothing to join and they do have exclusive offers for their members which are emailed out weekly. I received my email only yesterday - I read it, thought - "oo, good discounts on offer there!" and promptly forgot what they were! But iMember will remind me - either by way of the mobile app if I'm out and about or if I click on "my benefits" on the website they are all clearly listed. Alongside, of course, all my benefits I can get from the AA, from the Running Bug, from AXA PPP, from Barclays....the list is endless.

So don't think - "iMember won't be able to help me, I don't belong to any organisations". Think outside the box, go and check out our website, get signed up and start enjoying the rewards you are entitled to!  

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